Monday, August 30, 2010

Week Two . . .

Many of the second years have said that the first week is very overwhelming. . . I completely agree! There is so much to take in. As a first year student you have information flying at you from every direction. Well, I'm happy to say that I survived my first week of Dental Hygiene!
In clinic today we learned how to set up the patient chair before a procedure. We also learned how to clean up after an appointment. This activity was a bit of a refresher for me. Working in a dental office for two years has taught me quite a bit - Thank heavens!!!
After our rooms were set up for patient care we had the awesome opportunity to work on one another! Emily was my first vicitm. I sat her in the chair and we tried the different suctioning techniques that are available. When I was done, we made the switch and I was in the hot seat! Emily did a great job. We had one little incident with the high speed suction. My lower lip fell victim to it . . .but no worries! It just led to a fit of giggles on both our parts.
I had a great morning. Things are looking up! It made have been stormy outside, but inside . .things are looking up!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I need to work on the suctioning thing with the high volume one. That was hilarious!
