Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Class III was my first experience with an actual class III patient. It was a great learning experience. My patient was super nice and very understanding. He wants his mouth to be healthy. Its great when you have such a compliant patient. He is coming back in next Wed and I should be able to get two quads done. Then I can pass him off to someone that needs one quad. I think Kristie was saying she needs someone.
I also got a sealant in today! Thank heavens....we're moving right a long. I can do this. Only four more clinic sessions left!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I had a super productive day. Maybe everyday should be my birthday.... I felt really motivated today and I was able to get a lot done!
To start out I had my mom in the chair. I did 6 sealants on her along with my sealant PE. I had her walked out the door by 8:45am and had Mike in my chair by 9. With Mike, I took a pano, did the blood glucose test PE and finished two quads!Thank heavens he has immaculate home care.
I was on a roll today! I needed a productive day like this to get my spirits up. What a fantastic day of birth! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ok... Does anyone else feel like they are running out of time. I'm having a minor freak out right now thinking about how I'm going to squeeze everything in. One day at a time Karlie...One day at a time. I guess its good to know that I'm not the only one going through this and that everyone else is feeling the same way. I'm not alone!
I can do this!!! 4 more weeks and then I can take a long break!

Holy Health History!

Well, the majority of my appointment was spent doing my patients health history. It took me a full hour to look up all the medications and write each of them down. When I finally finished the paper work I was able to move onto xrays. Thankfully I was able to get quite a few xrays done today. Bonus!
Today was a positive experience though. My patient was very sweet and complimentry. Every time instructor Hafen came over she told her how wonderful I was doing. I was only able to get through OHI so she has to come back. When she asked if she got to have me again she was very excited. It made me feel good inside to have such a bond with my patient. Only downside? She's only a 1B.....oh well. I only need two more quads...I guess I could use a few more.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I guess they always say bad days will catch up to you. My patient today was such a beast! Talk about a negative Ned. He complained about having to pay. He complained about how long he had to be here. He complained so much that he isn't coming back. He doesn't want to spend the time. Well, atleast I got a a quadrant out of him. And he's a class II! Frustration!
I only got one PE done. I'm starting to worry that my patients aren't going to be hard enough and that I'm not going to have enough time to do my subgingival calculus PE's.
Calm down Karlie....One day at a time. I have to keep telling my self that it will all work out. It will all work out!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Another Day in Clinic...

My cousin came in today and I was able to finish her up. Three more quads!!! It was a pretty relaxing day as for as clinic goes. I really like Instructor Vining. I feel like he has some great insight and he really helped me with technique on the anteriors. For some reason those lower anteriors are super difficult for me! What he taught me is going to be really helpful.
I passed off another PE today. I really need to get going on those....My worry is that I'm not going to have very many difficult patients come in with subgingival calculus and I'm going to be crunched for time on Subginigival PE's. Oh the stresses of clinic! Bah!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy! Busy! Busy!!

Today was very productive, but super hectic! I finished my paitient from Monday and passed off two PE's along with taking 4 BWX. Talk about being on a roll! Ashley and I saw a family this week and the little kids were doing so well. They have a four year old and a two year old. They had to strap the little two year old down. :) He did very well for having to be in the chair for so long.
Man...I am ready for the weekend. I'm ready to  go home and snuggle up in front of the TV. Anybody with me!?