Thursday, September 8, 2011

Perio Breath....its real.

What a day. First I was super stressed out because I knew my patients only spoke Spanish. Second, I get here and they are thrity min late to their appointments. So I'm freakin out! Third, both my patients today (husband and wife) end up to be class IV. AHHHHH!!!! I was so not ready for that.
But, after the craziness wore off, I was able to get to work. I got three quads done today and I'm going to be scheduling them to come back.
In reference to my title, I about fell to the floor when my first patient opened their mouth. Today was the first day I found myself dry heaving into my mask. Will power! Will power!! I got through it though. Lets just say that no amount of Listerine can cover up that smell.
So in conclusion it was a productive day. Stressful, but prodcutive.


  1. I haven't had a patient yet with true perio breath and I'm not looking forward to that day. Good job for keeping it all together and dealing with that. :)

  2. You were awesome! That is a stressful and overwhelming day, but you handled it beautifully! I too have never smelled true perio breath, but i'm sure my day will come soon enough!

  3. I searched up "perio breath" today contemplating when is it appropriate to tell someone you know only casually, but not as a patient, that you recognize on them that distinct disease halitosis. I'm still pondering. Anyhow, as hygienists perio breath detection becomes one of our gifts ;-)
    Happy hygiene :-)
    hyg grad 1991
