Thursday, September 29, 2011

What a day!!!

Holy CRAZY!!!!
This morning I held screenings because I am in desperate need of a mockboard patient. I saw four patients this morning and it was wild. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off! But I have some great news....Drum roll please.... I FOUND A MOCKBOARD PATIENT!!!! He is the nicest guy and it couldn't be more perfect. I also found another mockboard patient for Jodie. Its my patients wife and they are both the sweetest people.
This afternoon I had another class IV patient. She was super nice. Mike actually found her for me. It was great to finally meet her!
I had a super prodctive day today. I'm super tired though. I'm going to sleep well tonight! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a great day!! Lucky on finding a mockboard patient. Since your so good at finding them you might need to help me find one!! ;)
