Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good and Bad

Do you ever have those days where you wonder "What in the heck am I doing?" This morning was one of those mornings. I had my mockboard patient come back. When he came in for boards things went really well. I didn't miss any spots and I was feeling good about life. Well, today when he came in I did two quads and miss so many spots! How is it that I can do so well on one day and then suck on the next? With the same patient!!! Uh... I was feeling pretty down, but this afternoon went a lot better. I had a 13 boy come in for sealants and between Tori and I we did 13 sealants!! My patient was a trooper and he did so well. He was a cute kid. He was a lot of fun to talk to and he and his mom brightened my day.
So, I guess even when you're having a rough day there are always bright things to look for. I'm glad the day ended well. One more clinic day down!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holy Moly!

What a day! I was able to accomplish SO much. My cute nephews came in today and my sister. This afternoon I milked my sister for everything she was worth! ha ha I was able to get BWX, a pano, and I passed off a couple PE's with her. I  am so grateful for her help! It was a good day. I always enjoy when my family comes in!
This year I don't feel as stressed to get my requirements. I seem to be getting xrays just fine and I have more than enough quads done. I guess my only concern is getting quads of class III and IV. I've really only seen II's and IB's. Oh well! One day at a time!
Today was a great day. Busy, but great. I'm going to sleep well tonight...and I get to sleep in! Woot! Woot!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


SIGH OF RELIEF!!!! Oh my heavens, today was our first mockboard. I was totally fine last night and this morning. I didn't have the jitters while I was getting ready or eating breakfast. And I was singing along in my car on the was to Ogden. The minute I stepped into the clinic I starte shaking! I don't know why...I felt prepared. Well, as prepared as one can be.
Surprisingly I was fine when my patient came. He is a super nice guy and I felt like the appointment went really smooth. I used my ultrasonic a few times and scaled a few times. I checked, double checked and triple checked some areas. I had to stop at one point. I knew I was starting to second guess myself.
I feel so much better now that its over. I would have gotten 100% if I hadn't missed one tooth that had recession. I marked it as 0 and apparently there was 1 mm. Darn recession!!!
Oh well, I feel so good that its over and it went really well. Especially for my first time. Thank heavens!