Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One of those days...

Do you ever have those days when you call a new patient and your hoping that they will be a difficult classification? Then lo and behold they sit down in your chair and they're a 1B....Great. Such is my life! It seems like every new patient that I have come in is either a 1B or a class V. I have class II's and V's coming out of my ears! My patient had never been to the dentist before, so my hopes were high! Alas, my wishes were in vain. I am in desperate need of class III/IV patients and injections. I'm hoping that the dental hygiene gods will send some harder classifications my way. Keep me in your thoughts!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you blog mid-day, so when I am bored at home I can know what is going on in clinic today. Dang those healthy mouths!!! (we'll only be thinking this way for 3 more months).
